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Reading the Scriptures together

In 2025, we will continue reading through the Old Testament together as a church. We will also include weekly readings in the gospels and epistles. See if you can find connections between what you read in the Old and New Testaments, and pay attention to the cross references in your bible that can help make those connections for you. You will enjoy and understand God’s word more as you continue to realize that all of scripture is a unified story of the creation, fall, redemption, and glorification of God’s people that always points to Jesus. Old Testament narratives contain gospel parallelisms, people who imperfectly reflect the person and life of Jesus, and the concepts of our sin, God’s holiness, and the atonement of blood required to bridge that gap. 


In addition to spending time alone with the Lord, we highly encourage you to gather with others at church to go through and discuss this reading plan together. Old testament narratives, psalms, epistles, etc. were originally read and sung out loud by God's people, to God’s people, throughout generations of oral tradition, before the scriptures could be widely copied and read. God’s word is meant to be ingested, savored, and applied in the context of God’s community. 


Be Still

Find a quiet place where you can encounter God, ask Him to fill the space, your mind, your heart, and then take a minute in stillness. Focus on slowing your breathing down and calming your mind. Fix your mind and heart on spending time with Jesus who is the Word in the flesh; and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time.



Slowly read through the passage for the day. Feel free to read through the passage again slowly. Look for one verse that stands out, grabs your attention, or interests you. Write out that verse slowly.



Taking your chosen verse, begin to meditate on it. What comes to mind? How does it make you feel? What do you think God was originally trying to say in this verse? What do you think God is trying to reveal to you through this verse? Allow him to speak to your heart, mind, and life situation. Write a short reflection on what you think He might be saying



Now, turn your focus outwards. Think about how you might be able to apply this to your day. Write down the one thing you’re going to try and live out.



Finally, close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God. Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and commit your day to him.

Bible Reading Resources


The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentaries

The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary is a free, original, accessible, orthodox, modern, and easily translatable series on each book of the Bible.

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The Bible Project Podcast


Ligonier Bible Articles

Search the deep library of teaching resources by exploring specific topics in theology, biblical studies, church history, and more.


The BEMA Podcast

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The Bible Project Bible Commentaries

Explore videos, learn the story, and find more resources while exploring all we have on each topic in one place.

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