Our vision is to share Christ and make disciples by cherishing and biblically teaching our children, caring for and equipping our parents and volunteers, and creating opportunities for families to share Christ and disciple one another.

Risen Kids’ mission is to create a safe and loving environment to share Christ with the children of Risen Church through Christ-centered, Gospel teaching. We are committed to supporting and partnering with families and parents in the spiritual growth of their children.
The focus of Risen Kids is to teach children that the Bible is not about us and what we should be doing, but about God and what He has already done for us. In every story we read in the Bible, we ask “What does this say about God/Jesus?” The Bible is one continuous, inter-connected story, of how God loves His children and comes to rescue them.

All children join in worship with the larger congregation before they are dismissed to their individual classes. There will be an announcement when the kids can transition to their classes.
We currently have:
Nursery: 0 – 2.5y
PreK/K: 2.5y – Kindergarten
Elementary: 1st – 5th grade
Children that are 2.5 are welcome to stay in nursery until the age of 3. If your child is 2.5yr old and would like to participate in the PreK/K class, they will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Children older than 5th grade are welcome in the elementary class too.
Risen Kids uses The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum for both classes. The Gospel Project provides a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study plan with age appropriate activities, lessons, questions and weekly handouts for every age group. https://www.gospelproject.com/