Share Christ. Make Disciples.
The Bay Area is home to 8 million people, but only 5 percent of the population are churched. Out of every 100 people you meet, only 5 attend church. ​There are people to love and a place to cultivate. The harvest is plentiful.
The word, ‘gospel,’ means ‘good news.’
There's a lot of bad news in the world. So, we’re all looking for something that transcends it--something that lifts us up, and gives us hope that life is worth living, people are worth loving, and justice is worth fighting for.
Well, Christianity is about a God who deeply cares about us. Heck, He’s created us and looks down upon us with love, grace, and hope. He’s sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to radically and positively change the course of our lives. Even though our rebellion and selfishness have separated us from God, He sent Jesus to rescue us and give us a relationship with Him. This is good news. Rather, it contains the greatest news we could ever hear.
There's much more to this, of course. But fundamentally, the gospel of Christianity is good. It can’t hurt you; it can only help you.
This is what Risen is committed to.
What we believe in
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We want to be a church where God's Word is learned, loved, believed, and obeyed.
The Sabbath literally means “stop.” So the Sabbath day is the “stop” day, where God’s people stop from work to worship and rest. We meditate, reflect, get refreshed, and renewed in the worship of God together and on our own.
We are a church that prays. Prayer affirms that we depend upon God for everything. Prayer nourishes the relationship we have with God in Christ, our own lives, and life with each other. Prayer is the spiritual means by which God works out His glory and our good, which are synonymous with one another.
First, relationships are a commitment to one another. ​Our relationships follow the kind of relationship God extends to us. Second, we pursue the union of grace and accountability. We accept that we will grow, but we will also fail. We will need forgiveness and encouragement. Third, the Gospel looks at everyone from God's perspective--all made in His beautiful image. Jesus Christ has created one new people (the church) out of many (ethnicities). Therefore, we not only welcome, but empower all the different members, backgrounds, and cultures in the body of Christ, in order that we may fully experience the love of God through one another.
As followers of Jesus, we live in the abundance of gratitude and thankfulness. Our lives are so filled with God's grace, kindness, and love, our heart and lives overflow with love, hospitality, generosity, sacrifice, and selflessness. This is our act of worship. It is our amen to what God has done, is doing, and will do for us.
Scripture reveals that God cares deeply about the poor, the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, and the disenfranchised. We want to honor God by working for justice on their behalf, and by showing them His compassion through tangible acts of love.
Vocation is Latin for "calling." Every human being has been called to love God, glorify Him, and enjoy Him forever. But, for many of us, our primary calling and vocation have been replaced by something else, whether it's career, family, entertainment, or pleasure. But all our callings must fall under the big Calling--our calling as children of God.
God’s grace brings people in because He was willing to move out. At Risen, we want to be intentional and resolute about reaching out. We believe that our church does not exist only for us, but for our friends, neighbors, and associates who do not know Christ yet. We want to be a blessing to those who’ve never considered being part of a church.