Join us on Sundays at 10:30am
California Crosspoint Academy
25500 Industrial Blvd
Hayward, CA 94545

Masks are encouraged for everyone ages 3+ while indoors
Restrooms are available
Stay home if you feel sick
We understand that you may have questions, and hope that the following information will be helpful and allow you to make the best decision for yourself and your family. If you have any additional questions that are not addressed here, please contact us at
What will Sunday morning worship services look like?
We are now meeting back indoors in the Student Union room inside of California Crosspoint Academy. There will be signs directing you where to go. Participants will be asked to follow the leading and direction of volunteers and ushers. The services will be around 60-75 minutes in length with music, a sermon, communion and liturgy.
What time should I/we arrive to check-in?
Please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early to line up socially distanced near the entrance. We will be checking in with each individual. Those who are 65+ or are immunocompromised always have the option to attend service online through our youtube channel.
Do I have to wear a mask?
Masks are encouraged for everyone ages 3+ while indoors. Partaking of communion together will be the only brief moments individuals will be able to remove their mask.
Will the pastors and worship team wear masks?
All staff, musicians and volunteers will wear masks. However, during the service, the vocalists and preachers will remove their masks in order to perform their worship activities.
What steps will you take to minimize the spread of COVID-19?
We are following the protocols for places of worship outlined by the Alameda County Public Health Department. Our hope is that everyone will follow the safety protocols outlined for the safety and health of all in our community. If someone is not initially willing to follow these safety protocols they will be asked, for the safety and comfort of everyone attending, to please follow the safety protocols.
What additional cleaning and disinfecting measures will you take?
All CDC guidelines will be followed to prepare the building for Sunday evening. Volunteers will wipe down frequently touched surfaces. Hand sanitizers will be available upon entering and exiting the outdoor space.
Will we have access to bathrooms?
Yes, the bathrooms will be available during worship services. If it's your first time, an usher can help direct you to where the bathrooms are.
Will there be a nursery or childcare available? What about RisenKids?
At this time, there are two RisenKids Sunday School classes being taught during service: 2 year olds - Kindergarten are in one class, 1st-5th graders will be in another. We plan to have a nursery for kids under 2 in the future.
What if I cannot attend or do not feel comfortable attending the communion services? Will services continue to be broadcast?
If you are unable to attend in person, Sunday morning worship services will be available via Risen's youtube channel.